The credibility of steel The promise of iron

We would like to pursue happiness and prosperity of the people to provide quality products and services


Ningbo five mold plastic material co., LTD. Is in beilun ningbo national high-grade baosteel special steel mold for the preparation of the production and marketing research platform in the park. The company was founded in 2014, with form a complete set of machining equipment, testing equipment and vacuum heat treatment equipment.
Ningbo plastic specializes in baosteel special steel products, was awarded in baosteel special steel work die steel specializes in center. The company have a large number of steel wholesale zero inventory for cutting, machining, heat treatment, and agency one-stop services such as order. The high-grade DSAMAX hot die steel, SWBPH1 (SWDVA), SWPH13, ningbo plastic sole agent for products. Company as a state-level laboratory, institute of baosteel special steel technology center to promote the new product research and development base and guide and supervise the quality inspection, heat treatment process implementation and other technical services.
Ningbo plastic as a bridge of baosteel special steel and the market, is the window of the special steel market deepen the service, the company specialized plastic technology center of Shanghai and ningbo by baosteel special steel plastic together to form a marketing team to serve the broad masses of customers.
Ningbo plastic core values, adhering to the "integrity synergy" baosteel based on good faith, go forward hand in hand. We are looking forward to cooperating with you!

Equip Show

Seiko equipment achiev- ement and reliable quality

Technical Assistance

A quality service Strives for the management benefit Professional focus To make the customer satisfied